Sunday, November 5, 2017

NerdWordApparel and the Folly of Distractions

Hello Lovelies,

I wanted to provide you one last side-note update before I got back into the swing of Little Island Tales and other assorted works. Sometime back, I very briefly mentioned via our Twitter account that I had made a little shirt design out of boredom. Well, fast forward a week or two and I've actually found that making little graphic illustrations for shirts and apparel is actually a lot of fun and might want to make a little side business out of it.

Enter NerdWordApparel.

As all of you veteran readers might imagine, me being me has the tendency of diving head first into projects and such because I'm a horrible person who might actually be a workaholic. That aside, given a number of issues I'm having with the game design for Uncanny Valley, I've decided to redouble my efforts in this area for the time being and am now putting my snark and nerdisms to good use outside of regular writing. With that said, outside of Halloween and Dia de los Muertos, this has been where my energy has been focused for the last week.

I bring this up for three reasons: One, I like to share what I'm doing and where I'm going when it comes to the matter of any of you going "You know, I haven't seen any actual new content...what the hell is Robert doing?" I'm deciding that coming up for breath isn't fun so why not drown in creative works projects. Two, because I know many readers are, by definition, nerds with passions and loves of their own, some of you might actually like the work I'm doing at NerdWordApparel and find some desire to get yourself some fancy/snarky graphic design shirts/mugs/etc. Last, but not least Three: to keep my writing and my graphic design works separate and not antagonize one group or the other, I wanted to do a one-time shout out regarding NerdWordApparel with all relevant links to those that are interested and let you follow them from there (if you so desire).

With that said, here is where you can follow us. Please note, the TeePublic link is the current 'shop' until I set up a more permanent website storefront.


To those that are interested, just a quick word of note: I intend to release new designs twice a week every Sunday and Thursday (I'm actually going to be releasing one later today, wouldn't ya know). I currently have a few Dungeons and Dragons related items, however designs will not be limited to this and will be all across nerddoms and fandoms. Perfect example, Thursday's launch will be a very cute dinosaur design that is more fun for all ages then perhaps snark about Dragons. I intend to have everything from fantasy to adventure to non-fiction and pretty much anything that makes me fellow nerds' hearts go pitter-patter-pitter. If you like the concept, give me a follow and see if anything catches your eye as the weeks roll on.

Finally, I want to assure everyone that there shouldn't really be any loss in or change of schedule to RBPublishing. The hows and whats for the my creative process for both projects actually mesh pretty well, particularly since a lot of my creative writing is performed when I'm away from home whereas a lot of my designs are done at home. In turn, it more means I'm intentionally shorting myself free time for movies/games/etc. than anything else, but that's self inflicted and is what it is.

I hope you guys enjoy it (if you're interested) and promise that we should have the next Little Island Tales out here shortly.

Love you all,

- RB


  1. Well done Robert - it's good to be creative and to always be trying new things ... excellent idea - and am glad you'ree going for it. Take care and enjoy - cheers Hilary

  2. Those are great! I'll follow and keep an eye out for the perfect shirt for my or for my sons (they are big on Civilization and Game of Thrones).

    1. I'll keep it in mind. Always looking for ideas for new product so that just points me in a direction. ;)

  3. That's really cool! Off to investigate.

    1. I hope you like it. Keep your ear to the ground. Plenty more to come. :)

  4. I love that you continually stretch your creativity. Good luck - and have fun.

  5. I love these, Robert. You are so darn creative.
    Hope NWA takes off with a roar.

  6. Wow, these are amazing. Many congrats on your latest creative venture! Releasing two new designs a week is beyond impressive...

    1. Thanks. I'm wondering if I can keep the pace, but so far I find myself just making them and adding quickly to my backlog.

  7. This is so cool! Great designs, and I love what they say, too. That one about adventurers just being wandering murder hobos is definitely something I would sport.

  8. Since I always buy my brother T-shirts for his birthday and Christmas...

    1. Let me know what his nerd-doms are and I will make sure I have some stock with him in mind. ;)

  9. These do look good Robert.
    Good luck.

    All the best Jan

  10. What a fun venture! Lots of word nerds out there who like to shop. :) Good luck!
