Thursday, November 2, 2017

Feliz Dia de los Muertos

Hello Lovelies,

As is tradition, I'm lazy this week...

No, I'm just kidding. However, I always like to take the day and wish everyone a feliz Dia de los Muertos, (or Happy Day of the Dead). Just as I celebrate and have celebrated Halloween for as long as I remember because of my mom, I now also celebrate Dia de los Muertos because of her as well (although my wife's traditions also help since I didn't really know about the day before I knew her).

For those of you that haven't heard of the day before, Dia de los Muertos is ironically enough two-days, not one, and takes place at the very beginning of November. While some people like to think of it almost as 'Mexican Halloween', it actually serves a different, albeit similar purpose. With Halloween, and Samhain before it, being more of a harvest holiday, there is a focus on the end of summer, the harvest, and then some spooks and specters that wander the night. Dia de los Muertos, on the other hand, is meant as a day of reverence and remembrance. We take the time to honor and remember and think of those that we have loved and lost. We hold them near and dear to our hearts and offer food and drink and warmth to those we can no long hold in our arms.

Today, I tend to think of two people in particular: my mother and my brother. Both of them were desperately important to me and have had a huge influence on my life and in becoming the man I am today. My mother for her kindness, empathy, and insight that showed me the paths around the broken channels. My brother for his sullen yet kind demeanor and an unstoppable personality that couldn't be abated.

So, when all is said and done, I want to wish you a very Happy Day of the Dead and ask you: who's in your thoughts tonight?

Love you all.

- RB


  1. I've never celebrated Dia de los Muertos, but I was aware of the remembrance aspect of it and think it's a wonderful tradition to have. The love you have for your mother and brother are very palpable here; so sorry you have lost both of them already...

  2. I think the closest I've gotten to any celebrations were in an art class where the teacher had them doing thematic stuff for the day. (I'm in SoCal. Large Latino population.)

  3. A lovely post.
    Both of my parents and several of my friends have been haunting me this last week. And you have reminded me why.

  4. Hi Robert - I've never been a part of these cultural traditions ... we have All Saints' Day .. but I never got into the background of the hows and whys - learning now. I'm glad you're remembering for your mother and brother, and will continue the traditions with your wife and families ... cheers Hilary

  5. I don't celebrate but I've learned more about the holiday in the past couple years. Certainly means more than Halloween does now.

  6. Happy Day of the Dead to you as my thoughts...all my family who have 'gone on' before me.

  7. I'd not heard the details before, I enjoyed your post.
    Thank you.

    All the best Jan

  8. Happy Day Of The Dead! I celebrate this time with Halloween! I always think of my Grandpa and go to the cemetery and share some apples with him. This was a very special post!

  9. I learned more about the Day of the Dead a few years ago and was surprised that it was quite different than I had thought it was. I think about my grandpa and grandma on the Day of the Dead.

    What a special post.

  10. My mom and sister passed away 7 years ago. I think of them every day no matter what time of year it is. Thankful for the impact they and other loved ones have on my life. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Good to meet you.
