Sunday, July 2, 2017

Updates and Changes

Hello Lovelies,

It's no mystery that I've been missing in action for the last week. In short, the week has been absolute insanity. Aside from a few medical things that dominated my early week, anyone who happens to know that I live in Southern California might have realized a little of what we've been dealing with over here. If you don't, a couple of my favorite highlights are that California decided to just BE ON FIRE and we've had multiple fires raging out of control all around us. More than a few people have been sick from smoke inhalation and raining ash. Not only that, we're literally having planes fall from the sky. I ended up having a plane crash literally a couple hundred yards from where I work on Friday and making even more of a mess of an already out of control week. I'm just happy that, from the last time I checked, the pilot and passenger were okay.

So, with that silliness aside and with a sense of calm starting to settle on all of the above, I return fresh and ready to go.

But, for the changes, this silence made me realize a few things. First and foremost, I should probably utilize the tools that I have available more effectively. I realized that I have a social media platform that I originally utilized just to share blog posts. As such, it's gone largely ignored since I've started trying to pre-write and schedule different posts. That should change.

Moving forward, I intent to utilize our Facebook and Tumblr pages more effectively to create simple but regular posts. Maybe sharing content or minor thoughts or, and here's the important one, updates like this (instead of creating 'excuse' posts on the blog). In short, these will be light hearted content or links to other pages/content along with news updates. Additionally, since I've only just been informed of the fact that Twitter is the BIGGEST social media platform (I honestly thought it was Facebook), I've added a Twitter account to the mix. You can find it here (

As always, I intend to create and schedule more content so I have a buffer for failures like this. As always, I'm simply defeated by the raw facts of life as I try to juggle more than I can bite off and chew.

Is what it is.

However! I will be posting the next part of Survivors tomorrow. From there, we should return to our regular every-other-day schedule and get back on track. I thank you all for rolling with the punches and would like to encourage you to check out the three previously mentioned social media platforms in the mean time as I should start updating those shortly.

I hope you all have a wonderful day.

- RB


  1. I followed you on fb and twitter. Twitter is pretty big and a lot of people use it. I would have thought that fb was bigger too but apparently not. I heard about the plane crash and the fires. My brother lives in California so I always worry.

    1. That was my thoughts as well. *shrug*

      And I'm sure your brother is ok. Everything's finally starting to calm down over here, so if you haven't heard bad news yet, it should be ok.

  2. I'm stunned anyone walked away from that crash.
    Twitter might be the biggest but it's not always the funnest.

    1. You and me both. With how it looked coming it, I was surprised to find out the passengers weren't smears (no offense meant). It just looked nasty as hell.

      And as for Twitter...I legitimately have NEVER used it before, so I was genuinely surprised. I guess we'll see.

  3. My country burns (literally and metaphorically) every summer so my heart goes out to everyone in the affected areas.
    Glad that plane crash was survivable.
    I don't play FB or twitter - but have fun.

    1. I originally did FB simply because I thought it would be the most accessible for other users outside of the blogs. I was very surprised to learn how low it was in comparison to Twitter.

      Literally never used it before. :/

  4. As a former southern California, I know those fires are a--what's a polite word? Whoa on the plane! That's wild. I had some post set for occasions like this but used them up when I broke myself. 😋 And...It took me a couple years to get into Twitter. I like it now and it's helped keep me in touch with my peeps 'cause it's not much work.

  5. WOW....I keep up with most of what goes on in South Cal. since my son lives there right outside of San Diego. Planes falling from the sky I did not hear about. Glad you are okay after that and it was no closer then it was. Fires, that is pretty much a given isn't it. Crazy out there during the summer. I was out there about 4 yrs ago when the mountains around Julian Calif. was burning. We were up there and it shocked me to see all that. Take care.

  6. Hi Robert - it's interesting how we adapt - but something out of the blue can take us by storm and not allow us to lead that 'sort of a routine of life' we thought we had. I'm glad the passengers and pilot survived ... Fires are horrendous - Portugal has had raging ones this early summer... 60+ people killed ...

    I don't do FB or Twitter ... I can't seem to get going on them ... cheers Hilary

  7. I wish I could say I use my social media to promote worthwhile items of interest. Alas, I use it primarily as some sort of digital lunatic rodeo clown.
    Oh well. I guess everyone needs someone to make them feel good about themselves.

  8. OMG, Robert, I didn't realize you were in the middle of that craziness. Wishing a whole lot of rain to come your way.

  9. whoa; prayers to those who were in that plane; now that's scary stuff. also hoping rain heads your way; not an ungodly amount, but enough to help with the fires; that's scary stuff too. not on facebook, twitter or tumblr so will be looking for new material here ~~~~ !

  10. We're neighbors! I grew up in Anaheim and now live in Long Beach.

    Wednesday night I smelled smoke and couldn't figure out where it was coming from. I knew about the Burbank fire, but didn't know about a couple others nearby. At least it doesn't smell smoky any more. (At least, not here.)
