Thursday, December 1, 2016

Crazy Week

Hello Lovelies,

So, I know I haven't posted anything since Sunday and I sincerely apologize. This week has been more than a little hectic and I haven't had time to think, much less write. I promise more is to come soon, but I simply have to get a few things in order before I do. Long story short, playing catch up on the medical issues I had sometime back coupled with the aftermath from Thanksgiving.

Sorry for the wait and I promise I'll be back soon. I will post Xenophobia Chapter 23 by our Sunday at the absolute latest.

- RB


  1. Look after yourself. Even for greedy readers like myself, your health takes priority.

  2. Take care of yourself! We will still be here to read whenever you post!

  3. I think this time of year is a super busy one for most of us. I find it amazing that some people can actually blog on a daily basis October-December. I barely have time to breathe :) Take care of yourself and we'll see you when you get back!

  4. I've been playing catch-up after being gone all week, so I understand.

  5. Hope you get your health issues sorted. No worries on waiting a bit longer!

  6. Life takes priority over blogging any day.

  7. Wonder where that statue is.... ?

  8. No worries - just take your time .. your health if more important ... cheers Hilary

  9. Yes, take care of yourself and get well please.

  10. Has it been a week? I hadn't noticed. What with December craziness and the random of life, it hadn't occurred to me that I hadn't seen a new chapter.

    I am enjoying the story. And I'll enjoy the next chapter when you get to it. Take care of you first.

  11. Life should always come first, especially when medical issues come into play. Best of luck getting everything sorted!

  12. Well, that is life, as in, real life. I shall be back! :-)

    Greetings from London.

  13. I will be back :) Take care of yourself!
