Monday, October 3, 2016

Children of the Different - Journal

Hello Lovelies,

Today I wanted to do something a little different today and take a moment to give a quick shout out to two awesome writers who, I feel, deserve a little attention today. I recently entered into a giveaway being done by the talented and lovely Blodeuedd and won a free audio copy of "Children of the Different" by S.C. Flynn. With that said, I wanted to give a quick breakdown of what this book promises to be.


Publisher's Summary

Nineteen years ago, a brain disease known as the Great Madness killed most of the world's population. The survivors all had something different about their minds. Now, at the start of adolescence, their children enter a trance-like state known as the Changeland and emerge either with special mental powers or as cannibalistic Ferals.

In the great forest of South West Australia, 13-year-old Arika and her twin brother Narrah go through the Changeland. They encounter an enemy known as the Anteater who feeds on human life. He exists both in the Changeland and in the outside world, and he wants the twins dead.

After their Changings, the twins have powers that let them fight their enemy and face their destiny on a long journey to an abandoned American military base on the northwest coast of Australia...if they can reach it before time runs out.

Children of the Different is a post-apocalyptic fantasy novel set among the varied landscapes and wildlife of Western Australia.

©2016 S. C. Flynn (P)2016 S. C. Flynn

Once again, I was given this opportunity to win by the talented Blodeuedd who I'd encourage you to check out at her website if you don't already visit her. She does wonderful reviews and highlights of a wide range of different books. Check it out and I bet you'll find something that might tickle you fancy.

With that said, thanks for dropping in and I promise to deliver more Xenophobia soon. I just didn't think it was right to accept such a gift without a little turn around to those that were kind enough to provide it. See you tomorrow~

- RB


  1. Thank you.
    It does sound intriguing.
    Definitely intriguing.

  2. Sounds like a different sort of dystopian. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Congrats on the win! Children of the Different sounds so fascinating. Hope you enjoy it!

  4. Interesting premise. Congratulations on winning the book.

  5. Congrats on the win. The book sounds like a winner too.

  6. The Great Madness and Changeland. That's an interesting concept.

  7. I agree, I love her blog. Congrats on winning the book.

  8. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. Now it's my pleasure to return the favor.

    Congrats on winning the audio book. It doesn't sound like the sort of book I usually read, but it sure does sound like its author has a ton of imagination!

    Nice to meet you. Count me in as your newest groupie. :)

  9. Sounds an interesting concept and story premise.

  10. I do hope that you will enjoy it :D

  11. What a neat idea for a story. And in audio too. I'm beginning to enjoy listening to stories. Thanks for telling us about the book.

  12. Oh wow. That sounds like an interesting premise. I don't know what it is about diseases that wipe out the entire population that fascinates me. The Stand is still my all-time favorite Stephen King book.

  13. B rocks and yea, she made me curious about it as well!
