Friday, October 9, 2015

Two Sentence Horror Story - 10.09.15

I was awoken by the sound of someone knocking
on my window, asking to be let in. It was only as I
started to get up that I remembered I lived on
the 13th floor and didn't have a fire escape outside.

Photo Source: 
28 Weeks Later (Widescreen Edition)


  1. Hi Robert, thanks for your visit on my blog today. Love your little 2 sentence stories - very well thought out! Regards from Rhineland, Valerie

    1. Not a problem. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Maybe we will be seeing more of each other.

  2. Whoa! The image was scary enough, but now the story is going to keep me awake tonight!

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Keep an eye out. This month is Spooky-Tober

  4. Right about then I'd have a heart attack, die, then go out and scare the beegeebees out of that zombie!

  5. Time to get shatter proof windows. Or move.

  6. You are really, really good at short, sharp horror.

  7. Creepy, creepy, creepy! Loved it! :)

    Thanks for dropping by my blog. Sorry you're having trouble with the rafflecopter. I can't find an email for you, but if you email me I'll try to help. laura.6eg(at)

  8. EeeK! All sorts of creepy visions come to mind. Time to dive under the covers and hope it goes away.
    Thanks for visiting my blog today.

  9. Yikes...never realized how 2 sentences can scare the pant off of me...!!!!

  10. Ooh another spooky one. You come up with some great ones!
    I remember reading, Steven King's wife went outside his window and tapped on it at night when he was writing:)

  11. This made me shiver.
