Monday, October 10, 2016

Round 2 - Getting back in Action

Hello Lovelies.

So, you may have noticed my absence once again. Unfortunately, it was directly related to the aforementioned procedure that I told you about. Long story short, some stuff went well...other stuff didn't. I've been down for the count for a few days as a result.

That said, I'm doing good and recovering. I am hoping to return to writing again tomorrow or Wednesday evening. It simply depends upon where I'm at.

With any luck, this is the last that I will have to deal with anything like this anytime soon. It's good to be back and I apologize again for my secondary absence. I promise I'll try to keep it from happening again.

- RB


  1. Your health takes priority. Always.
    I am glad that you are recovering and hope the meidcal mayhem is in the past.

  2. Hope they get it right this time and you recover completely.

  3. Hopefully all gets on the mend. Health comes first. You don't want to burst lol that just popped out.

  4. Hi Robert - just relax and get yourself better ... it's good to know you are recovering. All the very best - cheers Hilary

  5. So sorry that you're not feeling well. I hope you get back to feeling better soon. Take your time, we'll be here.

  6. Get better. We're not going anywhere.

  7. Get better. We're not going anywhere.
